⭐️ Competition Time ⭐️

To celebrate the end of lockdown, we’re partnering with our friends at THREE FLOOR, the international contemporary RTW brand best known for their ultra-feminine and effortlessly cool pieces that can be worn from day to night, to bring you the chance to win the ultimate high summer look.

For the chance to WIN a £150 gift card to spend on THREE FLOOR’s SS20 collection and a pair of silver snake print slingbacks from our collection:

1. Follow (on instagram) @threefloor and @nicolasextonofficial

2. Like the post on both accounts

3. Share the post in your story and tag both accounts

Open internationally. Entries open from 1pm on Monday 20th July until midnight on Thursday 23rd July. One winner will be chosen at random. Prize styles subject to availability. Winner to be announced on @threefloor and @nicolasextonofficial stories at 12pm on Friday 24th July.

Good Luck!


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